As the holidays approach, it's no secret that for most, it becomes incredibly stressful thinking of the perfect gift ideas. Lately, I have become an enormous 'plant fan'. Everytime I see a jar, mug, or wood piece I immediately think about what plant I could possibly place there. {I think that may offer me up as the crazy plant lady} The plant that I prefer using, and I feel is the easiest to manage, is the Succulent. Succulents are very easy to maintain in arid regions. {*hint they will live quite a while here in Las Vegas} I think that may be why I enjoy them so much. Succulents only require a light watering once a week, indirect sunlight, and most importantly, a whole lot of love.
This is a fun, simple, and affordable gift idea for someone who will enjoy a little green life this holiday season. I hope you enjoy!
For this project, you can use any size mason jar. The only difference is an increased amount of soil to fill the jar. The mason jar I prefer using with these small succulents is a 4 oz Ball brand. This brand, along with several other mason brands, can be found at Target, Walmart, Michaels, Hobby Lobby, etc. |
Succulents can be found at almost any plant nursery, Home Depot, or Lowes. I purchase mine at the Star Nursery here in Las Vegas. Each succulent of this size is only $1.98. The soil that I use is called African Violet Potting Mix. It is also inexpensive and can be found at any plant nursery, Home Depot, or Lowes. |
Warning: This project gets messy.. but it's surly worth the mess! |